Roofcraft, LLC

Commercial Roof Maintenance

Did you know that every full system commercial roof warranty requires a consistent maintenance routine? It’s true and for good reason.


By simply having trained eyes look at the roof regularly, tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands can be saved over the course of a roof’s lifespan.


Commercial roofs are notorious for being difficult to manage and leaking. The primary reason for this is a lack of proper maintenance. Because it is “out of sight”, it is commonly overlooked in the building’s overall asset management plan.

Commercial flat roof preventative maintenance is crucial for maximizing the performance of the roof system and is the best way to realize its intended design life span. Just as any building system requires regular upkeep to operate optimally over time, such as HVAC, windows, electrical, paint or plumbing, commercial flat roofs are no exception.


Mitigating the gradual wear and tear that commercial flat roofs endure due to exposure to wind, hail, UV exposure, temperature fluctuations, precipitation, foot traffic and age is critical. Like any other mechanical system, flat roofs deteriorate over time, which will compromise their structural integrity and without maintenance, they will eventually fail. Commercial flat roof failures are costly. Avoiding them is not.

Inquire today about our cost effective, commercial flat roof maintenance program.

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